
Inspiring the Future -  AGC seeks volunteers to talk to students about careers in gardening

Australian Garden Council
April 25, 2022


Inspiring the Future Australia

 AGC seeks volunteers to talk to students about careers in gardening ?

The Australian gardening industry is larger and more diverse than ever, but to keep growing and innovating it desperately needs more workers.  A top priority for the Australian Garden Council (AGC) is encouraging young people to think about gardening & ornamental horticulture as a career.

Gardening offers a huge range of exciting opportunities, so the challenge for newcomers can be working out what kind of career is the best fit for their aspirations.  95% of young people say they want employers to be more involved in providing advice and guidance about careers, and Inspiring the Future Australia is on a mission to help make those connections. The AGC is working with Inspiring the Future Australia to ensure that those who might be interested in gardening get the best possible introduction to the industry.

Inspiring the Future Australia engages school students with industries by giving them the opportunity to connect with people in the workplace. The AGC is hoping to organise a network of green-thumbed, horticulturally-minded professional volunteers across the country to answer students’ questions about working in in gardening.


It’s time to share your passion, knowledge and friendship experienced over a lifetime of work in the gardening and ornamental horticulture world with the next generation of Australian youth. It will help them, the industry, the environment, and Australia. I hope you can accept my invitation and join me in this essential project.

GRAHAM ROSS AM VMM                                                                                                                  Founder / Director / Chair, Australian Garden Council

For those who volunteer to chat with students it’s an easy, enjoyable and rewarding experience. If you could spare a small amount of your time to share your stories and journey, the AGC would love to hear from you.  

As a volunteer, you choose the regions where you get involved, select what activities you are willing to do and RSVP whether you can attend or not. The commitment is small, as little as an hour or two at a time, but you might make a huge impact on somebody’s life. 
Simply head to the link below to register yourself as a speaker to encourage school students to consider a life-long career in gardening and horticulture by sharing your stories and journey. 
Help us spread the good news! Click here to join as a volunteer in an area near you! 


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The Australian Garden Council promotes education and career employment opportunities in the sector, lobbies all levels of government to promote Garden Tourism and acts as an umbrella organisation to communicate and tie all various and diverse groups with shared knowledge of events, activities, support and promotion both locally and internationally.

Inspiring the Future Australia is a national campaign for career inspiration, that aims to broaden the horizons and raise the aspirations of students everywhere. This is done through this free, secure website, that runs a powerful matching software that enables teachers and volunteers from the world of work to connect freely and easily.



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