Youth awards

Opportunities for Youth and Young Adults Working in or Studying Horticulture 


Awards by Industry:

Australian Institute of Horticulture

Young Horticulturist of the Year 
Golden Wattle Award Service to Horticulture 
Institute Fellowships

Australian Institute of Landscape Designers and Managers

Student and Recent Graduate Competition is open to all Landscape Design students in Australia who are currently enrolled in, or have graduated in the past 12 months from, a design course that leads to a Diploma, Advance Diploma, Design Certificate IV or a Degree in Landscape Design. It is an avenue to be recognised for the knowledge you have developed and your ability to design gardens and landscapes.

LNA Master Landscapers Association

Apprentice of the Year Parks & Gardens open to final year apprenticeship and undertaking a landscape industry related course. A copy of most recent TAFE results and photo required.
Apprentice of the Year Construction open to final year apprenticeship and undertaking a landscape industry related course. A copy of most recent TAFE results and photo required. 

Nursery and Garden Industry Association
NexGen Programs operate in some states.
The Nursery & Garden Industry Australia Award of Honour is intended to recognise outstanding service to the industry throughout Australia. Nominees for the award are nursery persons engaged in the nursery industry whose contribution is of outstanding benefit to the whole industry.

Award of Merit is awarded for outstanding service to the industry throughout Australia. Intended nominees for the award are those engaged in ancillary services such as allied trades, research and development, and education. 


Horticultural Media Association

The HMAA Laurel Awards recognise writers, photographers, educators, researchers, and broadcasters who have demonstrated exceptional creativity in communicating the benefits and joys of gardening to the community. They are open to but not exclusively for youth.

International Plant Propagators Society

IPPS Rod Tallis Award is presented annually to the most commendable achievement by a person over 18 years of age who is working or studying in horticulture and have completed a research project, written an article/s or developed a new process or product. The work is to be written in a paper for presentation at the next IPPS conference.
IPPS 6 pack award: IPPS Australia offered the opportunity for 6 young propagators to attend the 2019 IPPS Australia/New Zealand International Conference, Brisbane.  Applicants must be 18 years of age and nominated by their employer.  Sponsored by Seasol.

Parks & Leisure Australia
Parks and Leisure Australia (PLA) is the leading association for professionals in the sector. Our aim is to build, serve and develop a strong and united parks and leisure industry.  Awards of Excellence recognise and showcase the outstanding initiatives and innovative efforts of members across twelve awards categories. Announced 29 October 2019 including:

David Aldous Young Professional Award 
The Frank Stewart Distinguished Service Award is judged by previous winners of the award and the recipient receives an Honorary Life Membership to Parks and Leisure Australia as well as a commemorative plaque.  Nominees must meet PLA membership criteria stated.
Green Flag Award The Green Flag Award® scheme recognises and rewards well managed parks and green spaces, setting the benchmark standard for the management of recreational outdoor spaces around the world.  Award announced 29 October 2019.
Strategic Planning Award recognises the development of strategies for parks, open space, sport, recreation and leisure opportunities by rewarding outstanding examples of strategic planning that have enriched and revitalised a community.

Sports Turf Association

Sports Turf Australia Graduate of the Year Award 
Each state and ACT operates independently managing memberships, sponsorship and events. The Sports Turf Association Graduate Award Program is annual event sponsored by Toro Australia.


Australian Golf Course Superintendents Association

AGCSA Graduate of the Year Award
Nominees come directly from the individual state associations' graduate awards programs. To be eligible, students must have graduated from their studies in previous 12 months. National winner decided by judging panel considering the graduate's academic achievements, career aspirations, ambassador skills and how winning the award will assist  career ambitions.  All finalists will be judged by an independent panel consisting of golf course superintendents and TAFE teachers. The finalists will be required to give a 15-20 minute presentation and take 10 minutes of questions from the judging panel. 


Turf Australia State Bodies

Next Gen Forum 28th – 30th July 2019 held in Adelaide 
The NxGen Forum is designed to bring together the next generation of turf producers for an event focusing on leadership, team-building and connecting with like-minded people. The 2019 Forum will be held in Adelaide from 28-30 July. The event is targeted to people under the age of 40 years working in turf production.

Horticultural Therapy Association

Ask for information:   Cultivate NSW is the peak body for horticultural therapy in NSW, bringing together everyone who is interested in health and wellness through gardens and natural  environments.  Our members are health professionals, garden designers, researchers, educators, community gardeners, carers and volunteers. 


Australian Society for Horticultural Science
The Australian Society of Horticultural Science, in promoting the profession of horticultural science, fosters opportunities for post-graduate students, young scientists and AuSHS members to enhance their professional development. To this end, the AuSHS has established a Horticultural Science Advancement Trust and administers and funds the Graham Gregory Horticultural Congress Trust. Under this scheme AuSHS administers three (3) scholarships:

Graham Gregory Horticultural Congress Trust - Student Travel Award an award of $5,000 to help a post-graduate student of horticulture attend the International Horticultural Congress (IHC) held every four years. Eligibility: Australian honours, masters and PhD students enrolled at any appropriate tertiary institution, and formally registered as either full or part-time.
Graham Gregory Congress Trust- Young Scientist Travel Award To encourage and recognise excellence in the study of all aspects of horticultural science by Australian post-graduate students, by providing financial support to attend the IHC. 
Horticultural Science Advancement Trust is available to AuSHS members who are working in horticulture and need financial assistance to develop ideas, attend international symposia, disseminate information or sustain a project that may advance horticultural science in Australia. Applications are considered on their merits, including the benefits to Australian horticulture. Individual awards range between $1,000 and $2,500; total funds avail. $4,000.
The Trust will not be awarded in years that the International Horticultural Congress is held. In those years, the Graham Gregory Horticultural Congress Trust will be awarded instead.

Soil Science Australia

Soil Science Australia Conference Presentation Awards include the best oral presentation of a paper and the best poster display for students, early career, and experienced soil scientists. Awards are based on the most effective communication of the presenter's work to a scientific audience to criteria.  The national conference is held every two years.
National Soil Judging Competition Teams Support in the year of a national conference. Applicants applying for either a state or university team should be financial members of Soil Science Australia. Application forms will be available in the year of the conference.
NSW branch: Student support to National Soil Conferences NSW branch provides support to selected students to attend the National Soils Conference and the National Soil Judging Competition. The National Conferences are held every second year. 
QLD branch: Student support The Queensland branch and Federal Council provide funds to support student attendance at the two-yearly national conference. Normally a student must have been a member for a minimum of twelve months and have a paper or poster accepted at the conference. 
QLD branch may award the Bruce Carey Award annually to a financial member for outstanding effort in promoting and raising the awareness of soil science in Australia through activity with Soil Science Australia and the wider community.
World Congress of Soil Science Support will be provided to assist members and a national soil judging team to attend the World Congress of Soil Science. Applicants are required to have been a member of Soil Science Australia for at least four years. 
The LJH Teakle Medal is an annual award given to a financial member of Soil Science Australia for outstanding effort in promoting and raising the awareness of soil science through activity with Soil Science Australia and the wider community

Arboriculture Australia

Annual Tree Climbing Championship male and female categories. Not specifically student award.

Australian Institute of Landscape Architects

AILA Fresh Students and Graduates - Not specific student youth awards.
The AILA Landscape Architecture Awards program has two stages: the first is a Chapter program and the second is the National program. In 2019. QLD, WA, SA, NSW, VIC & TAS will be presenting an Awards program, with the winners at Chapter level proceeding to the National Awards.

Australian Government Department of Agriculture and Water Resources 2019

Science and Innovation Awards for Young People in Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry 
Including CSIRO Health and Biosecurity Award 2019 awardee Dr Jessica Lye teaching avid gardeners in urban areas to look for invasive species and raise the alarm.

Independent Garden Centres of Australia

Ask for information:


Garden Centres Association of Australia

Ask for information:


Awards by Organisation Garden Clubs:


Garden Clubs of Australia

GCA Young Gardener of the Year Award Category 7 Outstanding contribution to gardening/horticulture by a young gardener.  Nominee must be nominated by an affiliated club or a member of an affiliated club and be 30 years of age or younger in the year of nomination.
Six other Award categories 
Nominee should have one (1) or more of the following:

Contributed at either a club, local, regional or state level by participating in activities such as exhibiting, judging, writing and speaking about gardening/horticulture.
Assisted with promoting knowledge of gardening/horticulture through organising, participating and encouraging friendship in gardening especially with younger gardeners.
Exhibited an interest in the protection and conservation of natural resources in their environment.

Young Hort
YoungHort is an Australian wide organisation run by young horticulturists, promoting horticulture as a rewarding career option in Australia.  We both share a common goal of inspiring and enhancing the future of the industry for young people, especially those wanting to progress into a horticultural career.



Organisations Other


BBM Youth Support

BBM's annual scholarships award grants of $8,000 to young professionals in horticulture, landscape construction and green infrastructure to go overseas, gain industry experience and upskill with world leaders in the field.


The Playford Memorial Trust (South Australia) 

The Playford Memorial Trust supports high-achieving South Australian students working in areas of strategic importance to the State. Horticulture and some allied industries are included.
Three TAFE Horticulture students are currently sponsored by Open Gardens SA and oxigen (Landscape architects) through the Playford Memorial Trust. All inquiries should be made to the Trust.

Mediterranean Garden Society (South Australia branch) 

Sparoza Volunteer travel grant to Athens, Greece.

One grant is provided each year for applicants studying or recently graduated from Cert 111 or Diploma level studies in Horticulture or Garden design at TAFE or private training organisations.
Successful applicants travel to Sparoza, HQ of the Mediterranean Garden Society outside Athens to work as a volunteer under the direction of the Curator, Sally Razelou, and alongside other volunteers from the EU, UK, USA who want to extend their knowledge and experience in gardening in Mediterranean type climates.
De Wiersse Scholarship

This scholarship supports students’ travel to the garden De Wiersse Garden in the Netherlands from Australia; then a weekly stipend, use of bike for local travel and opportunity to eat from the kitchen garden. During the three month scholarship the student is required to keep a journal and to produce a report.  Email 

World Skills

This organisation has been operating since the 1980's, with it's national office in Melbourne. It conducts competitions in varios disciplines/industries periodically, including in landscape construction.

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